Workplace Organizing 101: Where to Start

Where to Start

These resources provide a place for you to start working toward initial conversations and strategic planning for organizing your work place. Many of these sources tell a similar story on what tactics to use, but many also draw lessons learned from real campaigns.

What is Solidarity Unionism?

A term that comes up a lot in the resources throughout this LibGuide, and which a lot of shop-floor organizing strategies are based off of, is solidarity unionism, which can be defined as the following:

Solidarity unionism focuses on workers using direct action to win better working conditions and pay. The union is a vehicle for workers themselves to advance their interests through grassroots organizing and militant action. The union is the workers themselves and not some external bureaucracy tasked with legally enforcing contract clauses. (Williams 2019)

More resources on solidarity unionism:

Industrial Workers of the World’s definition and resource page : provides an overview of the term and additional resources.

Solidarity Unionism: What it Is and Isn’t : explores the nuances in the way that solidarity unionism is practiced.

Can “solidarity unionism” save the labor movement? : discusses Straughton Lynd’s Solidarity Unionism.

Secrets of a Successful Organizer

Bradbury, Alexandra, Mark Brenner, and Jane Slaughter. (2016). Secrets of a Successful Organizer. LaborNotes.
ISBN: 9780914093077

This book pulls from decades of organizing to develop an accessible, step-by-step guide to organizing and 47 secrets to help you be successful. 

Image source:


Solidarity Unionism at Starbucks by Daniel Gross and Staughton Lynd
ISBN: 9781604864205

Explores the Starbucks union campaign as a way to make the case that workers can successfully organize themselves and advocate for improved working conditions without waiting for the backing of traditional trade unions. 

Why do we need a union? from Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) SF

Gives an overview of why workers would want to organize, including what it means to form a union, how the boss might react, and what you can win.

Read here!

How do I talk to my coworkers about unionizing? from DSA SF

Provides a brief overview of how to start talking with your coworkers about organizing, including navigating conversations that express worry or negativity.

Read here!

5 Steps to Underground Organizing from DSA SF

Although there isn’t a single path to organizing your workplace, this zine offers number of helpful steps to start the process. 

Read here!

Know Your Rights in the Workplace from DSA SF

This zine provides a quick overview of how to navigate conversations about organizing in the workplace, what rights you have in doing so, and what to do if you face retaliation.

Read here!

Fun walk through of a lot of the strategies outline in the resources listed on this page. 

Online resources


Another Slice (2019, Nov 1). How To Unionize Your Workplace . YouTube.
Williams, Roger. (2019, July 12). Solidarity Unionism and Dual Carding: A Primer. Regeneration

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