Register Here! for Tuesday Meetings
This is the name of Mariposa Liberation’s series started on August 9th and running for eight Tuesdays at 6PM, which started with Mariposa Food Co-op’s CEO (formerly General Manager) Aj Hess. See: An open letter to CEO Aj Hess of Mariposa Food Co-op for some of the questions and concerns already on the table.
All sessions will be held on Zoom and “doors” will open at 5:45 so that folks can get comfortable and be prepared. Questions will be taken in advance and pre-registration is required. Registration is available through
The overall series, entitled “No Power Without Accountability” is concerned with transparency and participatory power at Mariposa.
Transparency is essential in a member-owned food co-op because only then can informed consent be truly meaningful. It is then that words like “democratic” will become real and we will have the kind of co-op that reflects the values of the grassroots. Let’s hope for a co-op where a labor union is not truly needed but also for one where the worst sorts of excesses of corporate capitalism would be considered anathema. Only with much more clear information can we know exactly where the Mariposa Administration currently stands but the picture emerging so far gives cause for great concern.
August 9th is intended as the beginning of a quest for greater clarity. We deserve MUCH more information than we have been getting. Let us hope that we do get it soon.
Let us hope that the words used by Mariposa management: “democratic”, “member-owners” etc. can increase in meaningfulness as time goes on, so that fulfilling the true Mission of Mariposa becomes the most important thing- that worker power and worker rights are centered in how our cooperative is organized- so that any and all management are guided by the principle of striving to “mandar obedeciendo” (lead by obeying) as the Zapatista communidades speak of so often.
We can definitely get there- and as a co-op we have every right to expect much, much more from Management- we but to do so will have to start with clarity about what is actually going on now. Let’s join together in that process now.
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One response to “No Power Without Accountability”
[…] is the second event of NO POWER WITHOUT ACCOUNTABILITY a weekly series of eight events to be sponsored Tuesdays at 6PM by Mariposa Liberation, a grouping […]